11 Months Left

So February is here and the year is already one month old.January is often a downer writing wise - there's the post christmas and post new year holiday, the heat of midsummer, not to mention (for many of us) those younger version of ourselves who seem to be hanging around the house constantly demanding our attention.Now school's back and the holidays are over. We're still contending with the heat -Β here in Sydney at least - but it's time to really push ahead with our writing plans for the year. Here's a few questions I've jotted down to review where I'm at with my writing and where I want to go:

  • Have I set and clarified my yearly goals?
  • Have I broken them down into monthly goals?
  • Are they realistic and achievable?
  • What action am I going take each day, week and month to make sure I reach my goals?
  • How important is it for me to achieve my goals?
  • What creative pursuits can I incorporate into my schedule to support my writing?
  • Do I have a writing buddy and have we shared our goals and how we're going to support each other?

I'm going to answer these for myself today and share some of my responses in my next blog.Would love to hear some of your answers to these questions ...The Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award is now open at www.amazon.com/abnaΒ Look for my daily writing prompts and tips on twitter @justwritetoday


It's All About Balance


Writing and Fear